Past Biological Sciences Seminars & Events

ENVS Launch Flier
2023 August 25
Join us on the Kendeda porch for the launch of the Environmental Science (ENVS) undergraduate degree program at Georgia Tech.
2023 July 13
Navigating Scientific Publishing in the Nature Portfolio
Summer NanoFANS2023 - Final Flyer (003).png
2023 June 22
Topic: Trends in Machine Learning for Biology
Image: Ocean Visions
2023 April 4 to 2023 April 6
The Ocean Visions Biennial Summit 2023 will be a significant opportunity to advance the sharing of knowledge and solutions to critical challenges at the ocean-climate nexus.
Dr. Andrew Alexander
2023 January 12
The association cortex spatial transformation network
2023 February 16
If you're a job seeker looking to break into the life sciences ecosystem in Atlanta, Portal Atlanta would love to invite you to attend our upcoming event.
ExplOrigins logo
2023 February 9 to 2023 February 10
The ExplOrigins early career group invites you to join the 2023 Exploration and Origins Colloquium
2023 February 9 to 2023 February 10
The ExplOrigins early career group invites you to join the 2023 Exploration and Origins Colloquium
Dr. Saumya Jain
2023 January 19
Temporal control of neuronal wiring programs: How do neurons determine which genes to express when?
